Madres muestran sus "cuerpos reales" posparto

Lo hicieron para hacer visible las diferencias de formas y tamaños y lejos de una "forma esbelta e ideal".

Madres muestran sus "cuerpos reales" posparto

Por: Mendoza Post

Bethanie García, quien vive en Arizona, Estados Unidos, decidió sacarse fotos con otras tres amigas: las cuatro mujeres fueron madres hace poco y quisieron visibilizar sus "cuerpos reales" posparto.

Con las imágenes, expresaron que hay diversa formas y tamaños, lejos de una "forma esbelta e ideal". Quisieron mostrar la realidad corporal luego de dar a luz y el proceso de recuperación física.

"La belleza viene de adentro, y sin importar si su cuerpo tiene estrías o celulitis, o cuántas libras pesan, son hermosas y amadas", expresaron.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

"Is this an advertisement for why women should get tummy tucks?"%u2800 %u2800 "Why aren't there any fit women in this photo? Not every postpartum body is fat and loose."%u2800 %u2800 "Why has society made it ok to bash women who bounce back yet glorify women who can't lose weight?"%u2800 %u2800 "How about dieting?"%u2800 %u2800 "Posts like this bother me. Not losing the weight is a choice."%u2800 %u2800 "I'm a mother of 4 but I'm also a smokin' hot wife because that's my duty. No way I'd be happy or settle to look like this."%u2800 %u2800 "Photos like this tear women apart."%u2800 %u2800 "So, you're saying that skinny women don't have real bodies?"%u2800 %u2800 Just a small sample of the comments we've received over the past few days since our original post went live. It's a shame that the point has been completely missed by some of the people that have taken time out of their day to comment. (The point being: the four of us have been friends online for a long time and finally met IRL and took a last minute photo together...of our different postpartum body show that all body types are beautiful.)%u2800 %u2800 If you look at this photo and your first thought is "why are there no skinny women", you have bigger issues to deal with, my friend. You can look literally anywhere: film, TV, Instagram, magazines, video games and see skinny women. Other body types are absolutely underrepresented in media and it causes women with those body types to feel less than... to feel like they're not good enough.%u2800 %u2800 I want to encourage anyone who felt the need to leave any of the above comments to dig deeper, self-reflect, gain some perspective, learn. Your comment says WAY fucking more about you than it does about us.%u2800 %u2800 Be better.

Una publicación compartida de Bethanie Garcia (@thegarciadiaries) el

"Ahora que miro esa foto, estoy tan contenta de haberlo hecho y tan orgullosa de que estemos ayudando a tantas mamás a sentirse representadas en los medios de comunicación", agregaron. 

Algunas de las fotos que compartieron

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