¿Guerra entre los actores de "Rápido y Furioso"?

Acusaciones cruzadas entre los protagonistas de la famosa saga.

¿Guerra entre los actores de "Rápido y Furioso"?

Por: Mendoza Post

El staff de actores de la exitosa saga "Rápido y furioso" parece haber entrado en crisis tras años de un vinculo armónico y familiar. El detonante fue la realización del spin off que será protagonizado por Dwayne "La Roca" Johnson y Jason Statham, que retrasará la filmación de "Rápido y Furioso 9."

En este contexto, el actor Tyrese Gibson acusó a “La Roca” de “querer protagonismo personal y romper la familia que habían creado”.

Al respecto, Vin Diesel, quien interpreta a Toreto,  salió a defender a “La Roca” a través de su cuenta en Instagram. “Sé que ha habido muchas especulaciones acerca del retraso de Rápido y Furioso 9, pero sería injusto decir que es la culpa de alguien. Como todo vehículo que ha dado la vuelta al mundo 8 veces, la franquicia necesita mantenimiento”, manifiesta en el mismo.

Brotherhood... and all it's complexities. This scene was filmed in Puerto Rico, I can remember it like it was yesterday. Such a beautiful island, the people were so warm and welcoming. I turned 43 that summer... and my son Vincent was born. A woman named Jan Kelly responded to a question I had asked on Facebook, 'who they would like to see me work with?' She said would love to see me work with Dwayne... I listened to her request and he became Hobbs. I know there has been a lot of speculation as to why the Fast 9 release date was pushed... but it would be unfair to say it is anyone's fault. As we plot the course to expand the Fast & Furious universe, one must be mindful to take stock of the roads we took to get here. The pillars of authenticity, family and most importantly, our loyal fan%u2019s perspective has been instrumental in procuring success. However, like any vehicle that has run around the globe 8 times, the franchise is in need of maintenance. My good friend and the godfather of Universal, Ron Meyer has granted me the time to do just that. We have some very exciting news to share soon... stay tuned. Yours truly, Dom #FamilyAlways

Una publicación compartida por Vin Diesel (@vindiesel) el

¿Correrá peligro la continuidad de la saga?